Dear Beautiful Soul,

Welcome to Spring! Here in Portland the trees are beginning to bud and the daffodils have arrived.  It's nice to see new life again after the long winter.  I feel like I am jumping into new things as well.  I am pleased to announce that I have found a way to combine my newsletter with my blog.  You'll receive my blog broadcasts which include questions from clients as well as other announcements.

This past month I began my Empath Teleclass, published audios of these classes in download format, and published e-essays for sale on the website ahead of my upcoming book.  I am still offering energywork sessions as well, but I am gratified to be providing support and resources for the Empath and beginning Intuitive that are more accessible and affordable than working one-on-one with me.  I also would like to share with you a client's success story.  Enjoy!

much love – Elaine


The Empath and the Drama Triangle

It's such a pleasure to work with beginning Empaths.  As Empaths one of the things we crave the most is lasting, rewarding relationships.  However, because we are Empathic we tend to get stuck in other people's Dramas.  Part of my working with clients is helping them understand their relationships so they don't step into Drama and play the Victim, Rescuer, or Bullies roles of Archetypal Drama.  Once the Empath understands how Drama works, she can be at choice about how much Drama to engage, which usually leads to less Drama and lasting, satisfying relationships. 

Many of my clients, because they are Empathic, enter into Drama by picking up the vibes of other people. They respond to the unspoken communication rather than what is going on in the literal plane.  This can get us into all sorts of trouble.  However, if we understand that we have a choice not to respond to the hidden, but we do take it into account, we can protect ourselves from attacks and other experiences that non-Empaths would not understand.  Here's an example from my blog of a client who was tempted to respond on the Drama Triangle at a get together, but learned some skills that better served her.

Read more here >


Audio Downloads and E-essays now Available

My new workshop this year is the ongoing Empath Telecall.  These calls are meant for Empaths and anyone who wants a better relationship with the Empath. If you've missed the Empath Teleclass calls, you can still listen in by downloading the audios. Each audio is about an hour long.  So far we have covered the gifts and challenges of being an Empath, along with relationship work, and an introduction to the Drama Triangle, with a focus on each of the rolls.  The calls are every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. 

The material for these calls comes from the writing I've done over the past two years based on my experiences and well as my clients as we've undergone our personal work.  These calls and essays will give prospective clients insight and new skills in understanding the healing process as well as cultivating better relationships. If you've enjoyed the other writing published on my website, you'll enjoy these as well.

To see the audio downloads click here >

To see the essays click here >


Elaine's Client Success Stories

I'm delighted to share with you two client success stories!  One of my first client's, Mariana Barnes, was a full time physicist and engineer when she began coaching with me several years ago.  While she still works designing satellite antennas, she also is a galleried, award winning, modern artist. Mariana, like many Empaths, has a highly technical side as well as an artistic side.  When one side gets all the attention, the other side suffers, and the soul feels unfulfilled.  With both her scientist and her artist in balance, Mariana has created the life she really wanted.

I am also pleased to share with you another success story of another physicist/artist.  Mike Masuda is a professor of physics, but also an amazing musician.  Mike began coaching because he wanted to seriously pursue his music.  He's just put together a moving music video on Japanese Americans during WWII. I'd love to share his work with you, but please be aware that the subject matter is heavy.  The music is beautiful.  Mike composed the music, lyrics, and played all the instruments in this piece.  I hope you enjoy the art! 

Click here to see Mariana's art >

Click here to see Mike's music video >





The Empath and the Drama Triangles

Audio Downloads and E-essays now Available

Elaine's Client Success Stories




Friday, April 3rd and 17th, noon. Pacific

Empath Telecall

Small Coaching Group






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© Elaine La Joie, Clear Reflection Coaching, 2009
tel: 503.372.8544    